Ever wish you had:
a designated time and place to process the ever-swirling thoughts and ideas in your mind?
a thought partner dedicated to listening, reflecting back your thoughts, and holding space as you find your path forward?
someone to hold you accountable for taking action on the steps you committed to take?
a means of finding greater fulfillment and excitement from your work and personal life?
Enter the Thought Partner. Enter the Coach.
A Thought Partner and Coach understands their clients are intelligent, resourceful, and whole. They’ve created successful lives for themselves and yet they are challenged at times to see a way forward to achieve what it is they really want.
The most successful among us experience doubt, self-criticism and a second-guessing of our paths and choices; it’s normal and happens more than we publicly admit. Often we wish we could reinvent ourselves or our work personas, yet we’re unsure how to create that pathway.
With our ever-changing workforce expanding around us, stronger, more confident, self-aware leaders are needed now more than ever. Leaders are in need of a safe, often external, place to think out loud and process the mental overwhelm. It is critical leaders make it a practice to invest in themselves. Everyone needs a coach.

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Certifications of Distinction

SBJ Consulting, Inc. is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit www.shrmcertification.org.