Credibility erodes when promises are broken. Depending on one's expectations of a situation, a change in company direction can be viewed by some as a broken "promise." For example: Was there...
Last week we discussed how being powerful in the present helps us win the future. If you missed that Thought Partner, you can find it here. This week, we will...
When we're powerful in the present, we master the future.When we're not, we won't. I'll use myself as a perfectly pedantic example of failing to be powerful in the present...
Last week's Thought Partner was titled Developing Yourself.This week's Thought Partner is titled Developing Others. Ideally, the sweet spot appears when the two happen simultaneously. We call that intersection, Delegation. The...
"I found the [workshop] to be informational, fun, and interesting and to shed light on the vast differences with not only those in our training group, but our crew, and...
Most towns in the United States spent last night trick-or-treating, with kids, and parents roaming their neighborhood streets decked out in clever and creative Halloween costumes. We were no exception. ...
After this product launch is over.After we sign this big client.After we complete this project, things will get easier.After this season is over.After I get this job.After I finish these...
The most powerful words we hear are the ones we say to ourselves. As you might imagine, today's Thought Partner shines a light on our worst enemy: ourselves. Much has...
Continuing this month's focus on Emotional Intelligence best practices, let's turn our sights toward the maturation process of becoming a leader. Sounds like a heavy topic for our Friday morning...
Last week I wrote about HOW you can tap into your Emotional Intelligence and provided three tips for practicing your "likability factor". If you missed that Thought Partner (and for...
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