(Actually that’s not true at all; you’re not getting a free latte from me. I’m not Howard Schultz or Oprah. I just wanted your attention.)
However, as we are conditioned now to welcome in the fifth season of the year (Pumpkin Spice) with the advent of Fall, so too are we conditioned to rattle off our company values to anyone who would dare to ask us. After all, most of us are dutiful co-workers who attended a new hire orientation once-upon-a-time, or at least have passed the core values poster on our way in and out of the office.
But today we’re going to talk about how we can really sleuth out the true VALUES of our organization’s culture.
Today I’m cutting right to the spice of the matter….
If you want to know your company’s values, DO NOT ASK:
Ask that question and you’ll get no insight into the culture of your organization.
Instead, if you truly want to know your company’s values, ASK:
When you ask WHAT IS VALUED HERE?, people will tell you the culture of your organization. Your teammates and co-workers see what gets rewarded and THAT is what is dictating your culture – not the poster on the wall.
So what do you anticipate the answers may be?
- Long hours?
- Competition for billable time?
- Logging off at 5pm with no expectation you’ll be answering emails or texts over the weekend?
- Length of time logged on to the company server?
- Teamwork and collaboration?
- Exceeding sales quotas?
- All of your PTO is taken?
- None of your PTO is taken?
- Work/Life Integration (balance can be a charged word in my opinion)
LEADERS: If you’re up for the answers, I challenge you to send this anonymous, one-question survey to your team (Survey Monkey is a great tool).
You may be pleased as pumpkin to get the responses back.
Or you may find yourself dealing with a spicy situation.
Either way, it’s a good season to take a look!