Some of you may know, but most of you probably don’t, I am a pretty big fan of personal finance guru, Suze Orman. I think she’s fantastic in so many ways.
From her background origin story to her shows, books, and podcast, to her ability to laugh at herself as Kristen Wiig impersonations flooded Saturday Night Live, to her third-person staccato reassurances that her financial advice is solid “Because. I. Am. Suze. Orman!” I just think she’s fabulous and fabulously entertaining.
So I make it a habit to listen to her Women & Money Podcast. I’ve learned quite a lot since I’ve started following her show and I really do think her financial advice is solid. However, that’s not why she’s on my mind today. She’s on my mind today because of her Three Gatekeepers.
She’s been speaking about her Three Gatekeepers for years, and as the Universe would have it, I’ve found myself referencing these Three Gatekeepers with my clients quite a bit this week.
What are the Three Gatekeepers?
Essentially the Three Gatekeepers are a decision-making filter you can use in any setting – personal or professional.
Before speaking, acting, or deciding, run your next-step thoughts and actions through these filters and ask yourself:
1. Is it Kind?
2. Is it Necessary?
3. Is it True?
If the answers to your questions don’t pass the Three Gatekeepers, it might be best not to say what you were going to say. Not to act in the manner in which you were going to act. And not to make that decision without gathering further information.
Imagine if more of us used these Three Gatekeepers regularly. Would everything we say need to be said? Would we act in alternative ways? Would we make different decisions?
Give it a try. And make sure you’re wearing a fabulous JACKET when you do. 😉