I love Springtime.

Winter comes to an end, the flowers begin to bloom, the weather is amazing and there seems to be a general hope for good things to emerge after the doldrums of the winter season. (Says the author sitting in Florida…)

As we hop(e) into spring, and we evaluate what this particular year might look like, with a host of complexities possibly still to come, I thought it might be interesting to take a closer look at what hope means for us, individually, as we think about new and interesting beginnings.

First off – for all my Grammarly geeks out there – would you consider HOPE to be a NOUN or a VERB?

It’s both. Both a feeling of expectation, a desire for something to happen AND wanting something to happen or yield a result.

But what if we considered HOPE to be more than a desire or a want or a wish?


What if HOPE was PURPOSE?

What if HOPE became our DRIVER?

What if we HOP(ED) into Spring with POWER?


For some reason those words create a more visceral, energetic response in most of us than simply the word HOPE.


HOPE holds its own when we think of it in terms of ACTION and we choose the verb over the noun.

Hope can be a game changer.

Where there’s HOPE, there’s HUSTLE. If we want to manifest hope, it takes hustle.

It’s not enough to talk about it – we have to do it. What do we really want to create for ourselves and others this Spring season? What do we want to create with this fresh canvas that lies before us?

When I thought about these questions, I thought about not only myself, but about the canvases of my clients and their teams.

What lies ahead as we HOP(E) down the bunny trail this Spring?

Take a look and see if one of these trails leads down a fresh path for you and your team:

* H.O.P.E.Helping Our People Excel

* H.O.P.E. Helping Our People Expand

* H.O.P.E.Having Only Positive Expectations

* H.O.P.E.Harvesting Opportunities and Possibilities Every day

* H.O.P.E.Hold On, Pain Ends

Challenge yourself, your leaders and your teams to HOPE with WILLPOWER, PURPOSE, and POWER this Spring.

Resilience, Joy, and Hope springs eternal in April! Join me each week as we spring into Spring!

I have TWO new coaching slots left for Q2! Let’s work together! (You know you want to)

You can always schedule time on my CALENDAR here!

SBJ Consulting, Inc. is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. If you’ve enjoyed these thoughts, Partners, share! And please let me know who might enjoy a Friday thought!