Aside from the astonishment that I’ve been able to write a Thought Partner Friday consistently each week since late 2020, I’m significantly more proud of the eclectic group of readers who choose to engage with these weekly musings. I’m so grateful to each of you for sharing your precious time with me. 

It’s a rare occasion I find myself at a loss for words during coaching sessions, or in everyday life for that matter. (In fact, it would probably serve me now and again to be at such a loss.) However, despite that point, it’s not always easy to find the words for new content each week. Specifically, content that holds value for leaders at different organizational levels, in various stages of careers, and with differing goals and ambitions. It’s not easy folks; sometimes I’m successful and sometimes, well, I tried đź¤·đźŹ»â€Ťâ™€ď¸Ź. Hopefully, today I will succeed.

This week I felt like I had the same conversation twice.

The interesting part about these two conversations was that I was having one with an EVP and one with a recent college graduate in their first “real job”. The theme however was the same.

Regardless of title, experience, or organizational status, the need and desire to bring value to the work we do is consistent across all levels. Creating and contributing value is key to our fulfillment and success – in life – no matter what title you have or role you play.

If you feel you are not producing value or creating meaningful contributions, your title, level, and organizational pecking order will leave you with a feeling of vacancy and discontent.

If you happen to be searching for ways to create meaning and value in your environment, consider these thoughts:

1. Value is Outside Facing – When you bring value to yourself, you have served only one person. When you seek ways to give and provide value to others you’ve multiplied your impact. Turn your focus inside out. 

2. Value is Noticing and Meeting – If we’re perceptive enough, most of us notice pain points, inefficiencies, gaps in process, etc… The key is noticing these needs AND meeting them where it might be most beneficial. Noticing and NOT meeting makes us whiners. There’s no value in whining unless there is pursuable improvement following. What do you notice that you will meet?

3. Value may Benefit from Ability and Network – Quite possibly you can create value if you acquired an additional skill. Lack of meaning or contribution doesn’t have to be an issue of WILL; it could be an issue of SKILL. If you knew more, had exposure to learn something else, or joined a professional organization for mentoring opportunities (either to be a mentor or receive mentorship) how much value would be on the table for the taking?

Whether you’re an EVP, a newbie, or anyone in between, how will you create value today, for yourself and maybe more significantly, for others who have the good fortune of being around you?