I have spoken about the use of the word "WHY" in numerous workshops on communication, in coaching sessions, and even in this oldie-but-goodie Thought Partner Friday. The challenge with opening a...
Most of us have our own set of pet peeves. Comments, actions, or behaviors that make us roll our eyes or initiate the fingers-down-a-chalkboard physical reaction in our body. (As...
A large part of my job, as a Thought Partner to my clients, is listening with my ears, eyes, and heart. I'll share observations I see as I'm listening to...
What might feel good at the start of the day doesn't always feel good at the end of the day. Eating cake for breakfast feels fun in the morning and gross...
A very big THANK YOU to those who attended Leading With Strengths! earlier this week at the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County; it was a pleasure to see...
Thirty years ago turning 50 felt like it would be 100 years away. Today, it feels like those 30 years have dissipated into thin air.Like Sally O'Malley, today, I'm 50! FIFTY...
Happy New Year and Welcome to 2024!(If you're done already with New Year's greetings, Larry David agrees with you.) Warning: If you're looking for January's Thought Partners to focus on:...
Turning the page on 2023 can mean many different things for each of us. Some of us had an incredible year. Some of us had an incredibly hard year. Some...
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Peter Drucker As we look to bring 2023 to a close shortly, our minds begin taking inventory of...
Today, in the United States, many of us are enjoying the day off from work, having celebrated Thanksgiving Day yesterday with friends and family. Traditionally, Thanksgiving is a day to...
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