How comfortable are you with the ABCs?

(The ABCs as in the alphabet? Like knowing what letter comes before and after the other? Holy Hopscotch, what is Stacy talking about NOW?!?!?)

Well, Thought Partners, I’m not talking about the alphabet, technically; I’m talking about defining ABC in a new way, in a fun and freeing way.

I’m talking about intentionally practicing our ABCs everyday – in a manner where we can Always Be Celebrating!

Celebrating little wins is not something we typically give ourselves permission to spend time doing. Pausing to breathe, recognizing a goal achieved, or scoring a win (no matter the size) is often not even on our radar when we evaluate our daily or weekly efforts.


Let’s get back to our ABCs! Kids are great at celebrating themselves and they have no qualms about touting their accomplishments to anyone that will stand still long enough to listen. Yet somehow, as we’ve grown into adulthood, we’ve lost the willingness to recognize and celebrate life’s little wins. I would argue we need to get back to our ABCs, ASAP. As easy as 1-2-3.

It’s well researched that stopping to savor life’s little victories allows us to feel more optimistic, positive, energized and encouraged. When we give ourselves permission to appreciate our victories, we boost our positive emotions and we fortify and prepare ourselves for challenges that will eventually come our way. By celebrating our accomplishments we are creating stronger more resilient selves.

What we appreciate, appreciates.

Let’s appreciate our wins today. Let’s notice moments where we can celebrate ourselves, our teams, and those around us.

Challenge yourself to pause, reflect, celebrate something or someone, and YOURSELF. We deserve to Always Be Celebrating something. We work too hard, we give too much, and life is too short not to honor our chance to appreciate the things we can appreciate.


Today I am celebrating my NEW WEBSITE! I have wanted to launch a new website for years and I never “found” the time or space to do it. But thanks to the AMAZING Creative Director, Matthew Luhrs at LÜHRS, I am thrilled to celebrate and share this win with you today!


Schedule time on my CALENDAR here!

For those who have asked if you can share these Thought Partner Fridays with your LinkedIn networks and Social Media followers, PLEASE DO SO NOW!

Resilience, Joy, and Hope springs eternal in April!

Join me each week as we spring into Springtime! SBJ Consulting, Inc. is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP^® or SHRM-SCP^® .

If you’ve enjoyed these thoughts, Partners, share! And please let me know who might enjoy a Friday thought!