We’ve spent March looking at how we can alter the outcomes to events and situations we experience by examining how we respond to them.

We’ve attempted to identify the items and processes that zap our energy, we’ve tidied our physical and mental spaces to help declutter our minds, and today we’re going to take a deeper look at the people in our neighborhood.

But alas, don’t be discouraged if this is how you feel…

Mr. Rogers did not adequately prepare me for the people in my neighborhood.

It is true that we can’t always pick our family or often our coworkers. Therefore we can feel “stuck” with the people, we find in our neighborhood, even helpless to combat against how they impact our lives.

But that’s not always true! Again, it’s how we respond that can make the world of difference.

We tolerate a lot, on any given day – often we find ourselves putting up with, accepting, taking on, and being dragged down by other people’s behavior, situations, unmet needs, crossed boundaries, inappropriate language, frustrations, and even our own behaviors.

Often we tolerate behaviors, language, reactions, criticisms, conditions and environments that affect the quality of our life, that if we acknowledged them, evaluated them for what they are, and addressed them with the parties involved (ourselves included), we could change the outcomes and results associated with these interactions.

So…who is in your neighborhood and WHAT behaviors are you tolerating, that if compassionately addressed, could improve your interactions and exchanges? Consider some of the following:

  • Coworkers that may not be your #1 fan (vice versa)
  • A Company Culture that may not jive with your value system
  • Compensation (current and possibly future)
  • Managers/Leaders who work for you (vice versa)
  • Work Environment and Physical Space needing attention
  • Friendships that may no longer serve you
  • Social Media that isn’t positive and fulfilling
  • Relatives with whom you may need to alter your relationship
  • Spouse/Partner you need to reconnect with
  • Children you’d like a different type of connection with

A great benefit to completing this inventory is that once you see these behaviors and individuals for what and who they are, you can begin naturally handling, eliminating, altering, and creatively resolving how you will more effectively respond when faced with encounters you no longer wish to tolerate.

After identifying what you will no longer tolerate, you give yourself permission to invite more positive interactions and exchanges into your work and home life.

You may even begin to notice that those in your neighborhood, you previously wanted to evict, you now invite over for a BBQ. Or maybe not.

Cherish the folks you want living in your neighborhood and be sure to tell them.

I’ve opened a few new coaching slots for Q2! Click and let’s discuss what’s on your mind

Resilience, Joy, and Hope springs eternal in April! Join me each week as we spring into Springtime!

SBJ Consulting, Inc. is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP^® or SHRM-SCP^® .

If you’ve enjoyed these thoughts, Partners, share! And please let me know who might enjoy a Friday thought!